

Friday, 28 December 2012

For those who's hearts are sore.........

Broken Heart? ........
 No not broken, but hurting......please read...

I wrote this when going through emotional turmoil in my life this year, and wanted to share it, so I thought I would use my blog to do so.  Remember that whatever you are going through in your life.......you are loved and not alone.  You may feel unloved and you may feel alone........but you are not.

My situation is improved but nowhere like it used to be, because when something gets broken and mended it is never the same..........but that doesn't mean it has to be damaged goods which are not good anymore............it just means that things are now DIFFERENT.........and that can be a good thing.

Take no revenge that you have not pondered beneath a starry sky, or on a canyon overlook, or to the lapping of waves and the mewing of a distant gull.  ~Robert Brault

So anyway:  This is what I wrote....I hope you read it and that it touches your heart..............

A Softly Beating Heart..............not a poem

This heart is softly beating.....
the life blood moves to keep someone alive.
So soft and warm
so vital!

A softly beating heart
brings love to the fore.
it generates warmth 
and life to share.

When a heart grows hard and cold
it makes the person dead to life!
It makes someone cold and distant
and all they say and do
cuts others.....like a knife!

A hard heart does not love.....
it lusts! It lusts after the almost unobtainable.....
and shatters the life of those who truly love!

A soft heart sees the pain of others
a gently beating heart will warm the hurting
and remove the pain!  

Gently and softly beating on and on
ensuring life keeps going
like the beat of a song!
A softly gently beating heart cares!

A hard heart, does not beat gently
but rather thumps around and causes
things to die!  It does not care! Except for itself
the all important ME!

Someone once said that a soft gently beating heart
shows compassion, and can bring joy where there is sadness!
How can that be?   When sadness is a choice, how can it be changed
without the person, who chose it in the first place, being willing to change it?

 A soft and gentle beating heart can hide
what is happening. 
 It can be bruised, but will never be broken!
                                                                     Anne Banks 2012©

You see

Wabi-sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection, celebrating cracks and crevices and appreciating the intrinsic integrity of natural objects and processes, asymmetry, roughness or irregularity. Characteristics of the wabi-sabi aesthetic include simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty and intimacy. Above is a picture of a Japanese pottery bowl, with a golden seam ending in a delta at the rim. The deep fissures in the bowl, which is old and valuable, had been filled with resin and gold flakes, burnished and lacquered.  The procedure is called “Kintsugi” or “Kin  Zukuroi” which means “repairing with gold.”

Perhaps God believes, too, that we "cracked pots" are more valuable after having the gold of His grace poured into our broken places and fissures? I will try to remember, when I'm having an especially "broken" day. I hope you will too? 

i am more beautiful than I was in my youth BECAUSE of all that I have come through......because I chose to fight back and not let the negative world overtake me and dictate to me who it thinks I am, or what it thinks I should be like.

Be encouraged this coming year.........you can talk to me if you want to..............but most of all stand up and don't take flight,...stop............turn around a face your enemy because you will then find that you are much taller than the enemy ...........

You are NEVER  on your own.

Many Blessings to you for 2013.  I may be back before then...........I may not........you know where to find me.

See you soon.

Love and hugs

Annie xxxx


  1. Hmm. nice thoughts and philosophy, it must be nice to live in a world where everyone thinks like that.

    Sometimes it's not wise to hide what is happening. Why hold on to a bruised heart when you can change things?

  2. I quite agree..............it just takes time

    Love and hugs

    Annie xxx

  3. Time is a great healer but healing in a different way and we adjust to that life is not easy lots of twists and turns

  4. Just wanted to say how much I love reading your blog Annie!!

  5. Thank you Hilary. Sometimes it's just life that needs talking about. It's why I named my blog 'annie's cards and chat' because sometimes you just need to say something, and sometimes you have no-one in particular to say it to.

    Love and hugs

    Annie xxx
